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Challenge: REPYC [REV] - 147 Points

Challenge Description:

  • woo thi chal sooo repyc!
  • File: 3nohtyp.pyc
  • Difficulty estimate: Easy

We are given a pyc file and running file on this pyc reveals that its a python 3.6 compiled python bytecode.

1[~]$ file 3nohtyp.pyc                                                                              
23nohtyp.pyc: python 3.6 byte-compiled

so i went with the usuall approach to a python pyc challenge, where the first part is to decompile the bytecode. i used uncompyle6 [~]$ uncompyle6 3nohtyp.pyc > and the output was very weird just look at this file

I never thought that reversing a python source file would be so difficult. At first i thought maybe there is python obfuscator which obfuscates variable names with unicode Chinese looking charecters and there are a lot of other obfuscators which uses other techniques similar to this one but unfortunately i didn’t find any obfuscator which does this kind of obfuscation, i thought if i found the obfuscator maybe an unobfuscator also exists so that will make my work easier but i was wrong.

Some good obfuscators which i found are:

So the next thing i did was i started replacing each chinese charecter in the file with simple names like i translated first 3 lines like this

1佤 = 0     
2侰 = ~佤 * ~佤
3俴 = 侰 + 侰      

translated to

1A = 0
2B = ~A * ~A
3C = B + B

and finally

1A = 0
2B = 1
3C = 2

And later in the code instead of just using 1, 2 and 3 they use A, B and C so i replaced all the A, B and Cs with their respective values

then comes this function

1def 䯂(䵦):

At this point i already guessed it was a VM so i named this function VM(byte)

next we see some more declarations which turns out to be registers and memory and stack and stuff for example

괠 = [A] * C ** (C * C) translates to reg = [0] * 16 and 궓 = [A] * 100 translates to mem = [0] * 100 and after reading the rest of the code turns out 괣 = [] was the stack

so this part looks like this now

 1A = 0
 2B = 1
 3C = 2
 5def VM(byte):
 6    var1 = 0
 7    var2 = 0
 8    reg  = [0] * 16 # array of registers
 9    mem = [0] * 100 # contains our input
10    stack = []

then there is a while loop

1 while 䵦[굴][A] != '듃':
which translated to
1 byte[var1][0] != '듃' 
so it was clear that ‘듃’ is the hlt instruction as soon as it encounters ‘듃’ the VM will stop execution

and finally

1= 䵦[굴][A].lower()
2= 䵦[굴][B:]

translated to

1opcode = byte[var1][0].lower()
2_arg_ = byte[var1][1:]

and at this point it was time to analyse all the opcodes, so i used my big brain and only analysed the ones which were actually executed. when you see the call to the VM() function the arguments passed is a list of instructions for sat down and started to do find and replace on all the instructions. but then i noticed that the instructions in the bottom were not correctly indented so i fixed that and i ended up with this

after that i just did a lot of find and replace and i finally fixed the whole python file and i ended up with this VM Bytecode

 2 ['mov', 0, 'Authentication token: '],
 3 ['mem_mov', 0, 0], # mem(r1) = r2
 4 ['mov', 6, 'á×äÓâæíäàßåÉÛãåäÉÖÓÉäàÓÉÖÓåäÉÓÚÕæïèäßÙÚÉÛÓäàÙÔÉÓâæÉàÓÚÕÓÒÙæäàÉäàßåÉßåÉäàÓÉÚÓáÉ·Ôâ×ÚÕÓÔɳÚÕæïèäßÙÚÉÅä×ÚÔ×æÔÉ×Úïá×ïåÉßÉÔÙÚäÉæÓ×ÜÜïÉà×âÓÉ×ÉÑÙÙÔÉâßÔÉÖãäÉßÉæÓ×ÜÜïÉÓÚÞÙïÉäàßåÉåÙÚÑÉßÉàÙèÓÉïÙãÉáßÜÜÉÓÚÞÙïÉßäÉ×åáÓÜÜ\x97ÉïÙãäãÖÓ\x9aÕÙÛ\x99á×äÕà©â«³£ï²ÕÔÈ·±â¨ë'],
 5 ['mov', 2, 120],
 6 ['mov', 4, 15],
 7 ['mov', 3, 1],
 8 ['multiply', 2, 2, 3], # r2 = r2 * r3
 9 ['add', 2, 2, 4], # r2 = r2 + r4
10 ['nop', 0, 2], # maybe nop
11 ['zero_reg', 3], # sets r3 = 0
12 ['xor_string', 6, 3],
13 ['mov', 0, 'Thanks.'],
14 ['mov', 1, 'Authorizing access...'],
15 ['print_reg', 0], # prints r0
16 ['reg2mem', 0, 0], # set r[arg0] = mem[arg1]
17 ['xor_string', 0, 2],
18 ['subtract_string', 0, 4],
19 ['mov', 5, 19],
20 ['strcmp', 0, 6, 5], # check strings ; if not equal r[7] = 1 ; push r[arg[2]]
21 ['print_reg', 1],
22 ['mov', 1, 'Access denied!'],
23 ['print_reg', 1],
24 ['hlt']])

clearly it loads this huge string into r6 and then xors it with 135 and then subtract 15 from each charecter and then compares with our input so i quicly wrote a decrypt function

 1def find_flag():
 3    b = 'á×äÓâæíäàßåÉÛãåäÉÖÓÉäàÓÉÖÓåäÉÓÚÕæïèäßÙÚÉÛÓäàÙÔÉÓâæÉàÓÚÕÓÒÙæäàÉäàßåÉßåÉäàÓÉÚÓáÉ·Ôâ×ÚÕÓÔɳÚÕæïèäßÙÚÉÅä×ÚÔ×æÔÉ×Úïá×ïåÉßÉÔÙÚäÉæÓ×ÜÜïÉà×âÓÉ×ÉÑÙÙÔÉâßÔÉÖãäÉßÉæÓ×ÜÜïÉÓÚÞÙïÉäàßåÉåÙÚÑÉßÉàÙèÓÉïÙãÉáßÜÜÉÓÚÞÙïÉßäÉ×åáÓÜÜ\x97ÉïÙãäãÖÓ\x9aÕÙÛ\x99á×äÕà©â«³£ï²ÕÔÈ·±â¨ë'
 4    temp = ''
 5    for i in range(len(b)):
 6        temp += chr(ord(b[i]) + 15)
 8    a = temp
 9    temp = ""
10    for i in range(len(a)):
11        temp += chr(ord(a[i]) ^ 135)
13    print(temp)

and just after that i got the flag

1[~]$ python3                                                                           

damn that flag is huge and i also wonder whats up with these youtube links?