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Hell86 - ttlhacker



  • Author : ttlhacker
  • Language : Assembler
  • Upload : 8:03 PM 10/12/2018
  • Level : 3
  • Platform : Unix/Linux etc.
  • Crackme :
3   - x86_64 linux binary (tested on debian 9 and ubuntu 18.04, should run on any distro).
4   - Takes one command line argument and outputs "OK!" if it's correct, "Wrong" if it's not.
5   - Partially written in C, actual verification routine is assembly.
6   - Don't patch the binary, of course - find the correct input.
8  SHA256: 134b53b78fe74d477bf381ebfd965f92d270f8314886518d451ec3aca29156fa hell86

hell86 is a super awesome crackme by ttlhacker on it implements VM in an unusual and creative way using signals and stuff. Lets start our analysis by running it.

Lets start by giving a random input to our crackme.

Initial run of the crackme

So, as we can see the binary takes input using argv and throws an error if no argument is passed.

Lets trace the binary using ltrace and see what it does.

 1_ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev(0x55b4f3a8b881, 0x7ffe79e0e7b8, 0x7ffe79e0e7d0, 224) = 0
 2__cxa_atexit(0x7f06e2a07990, 0x55b4f3a8b881, 0x55b4f3a8b068, 6) = 0
 3malloc(8192)                                     = 0x55b4f497feb0
 4sigaltstack(0x7ffe79e0e688, 0, 0, 0)             = 0
 5sigfillset(~<31-32>)                             = 0
 6sigaction(SIGILL, { 0x55b4f3889946, ~<31-32>, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff }, nil) = 0
 7--- SIGILL (Illegal instruction) ---
 8--- SIGILL (Illegal instruction) ---
 9--- SIGILL (Illegal instruction) ---
10.....                           .....
11.....                           .....
12.....                           .....
13--- SIGILL (Illegal instruction) ---
14--- SIGILL (Illegal instruction) ---
15--- SIGILL (Illegal instruction) ---
16puts("Wrong")                                    = 6
18+++ exited (status 0) +++

The ltrace output tells us that a lot of SIGILL signals were raised. We will take a look at why but first lets see what is SIGILL and is this a normal behavior?

  • SIGILL : is a Linux signal that is raised when an ILLEGAL instruction is encountered. By default it terminates the program.
  • THIS IS NOT NORMAL : When a program receives SIGILL it should terminate unlike hell86 which is raising multiple SIGILLs.

So, What the Hell is going on?

This behavior can only be explained if there is a signal handler to handle this “SIGILL”. A normal program terminates like this

a test asm binary crashing with SIGILL

Lets open the binary in IDA Pro.

main() in ida pro

As you can see main() is just calling other functions to do the actual stuff. Lets take a look at all of these one by one.

First lets see init_sigaltstack()


In this function init_sigaltstack() the program is allocating 0x2000 Bytes in the heap to use as an alternate stack. Then it initializes a stack_t structure

1/* Structure describing a signal stack.  */
2typedef struct
3  {
4    void *ss_sp;
5    int ss_flags;
6    size_t ss_size;
7  } stack_t;

and finally it calls sigaltstack(). This new stack will only be used when a signal handler of any signal is executing. The stack pointer will point to this new stack in heap while the signal handler is in control. if the call to sigaltstack() fails, then we call free() to free the allocated memory.
Now lets look at register_sigill_handler()


and this is the same function from the actual source

1bool register_sigill_handler() {
2    struct sigaction sa = {};
3    sa.sa_sigaction = sigill_handler;
4    sa.sa_flags = SA_ONSTACK | SA_SIGINFO;
5    if (sigfillset(&sa.sa_mask) != 0) {
6        return false;
7    }
8    return sigaction(SIGILL, &sa, nullptr) == 0;

here sigill_handler is the pointer to the SIGILL handler function. It is initializing the sigaction struct to call sigaction(). Now whenever a SIGILL is raised we will call this handler function instead of terminating the program and this is the reason why we saw all those SIGILLs in the ltrace output.

Now lets take a look at sigill_handler

text view of sigill_handler()


sigill_handler() cont.

As you can see sigill_handler() is just a huge switch case with opcode of the VM instructions as the switch parameter.

sigill_handler() graph view

The Bytecode

Now lets go back to main and take a look at verify_input()

we will analyze this function in text view


Look what we found, the actual reason of SIGILLs. These are UD2 instructions which basically raise Illegal instruction signal or SIGILL. There are some more bytes after each UD2(\x0f\x0b) instruction.

ud2 from intel manual

Instruction Encoding

The instructions are encoding in hell86 is actually one simple thing in this challenge. Each instruction has an 8 byte immediate value which lies just after the UD2.

1\x0f\x0b   - UD2
2\x00 * 0x8 - imm64
3\x09       - Opcode
4\x00       - arg1
5\x00       - arg2
6\x00       - arg3 

The structure would look like this :

1/* hell86 instructions */
2typedef struct{
3   uint16_t ud2;
4   int64    imm64;
5   char     opcode;
6   char     arg1;
7   char     arg2;
8   char     arg3;
9} hell86_instr;

VM Instructions

Lets hop back to IDA and look at the switch case in text view and figure out where are the VM registers, i haven’t seen any mention of VM registers or stack or even ROM.

Lets start with case 9 as its the first case that the VM executes in IDA. case 9:


Looks like there is an array of 64 bit numbers at rsi (could it be an array of registers?)

Lets use gdb to break at this instruction and analyze the values of the registers.

gdb case9

As you can see rsi points on the stack or should i say the new stack. So this is the part which i am not so sure about. I think whenever a signal is raised the sigcontext structure is pushed on the altstack and its this structure where rsi is pointing at. if we see the sigcontext struct.

 2 * The 64-bit signal frame:
 3 */
 4struct sigcontext_64 {
 5  __u64       r8;
 6  __u64       r9;
 7  __u64       r10;
 8  __u64       r11;
 9  __u64       r12;
10  __u64       r13;
11  __u64       r14;
12  __u64       r15;
13  __u64       di;
14  __u64       si;
15  __u64       bp;
16  __u64       bx;
17  __u64       dx;
18  __u64       ax;
19  __u64       cx;
20  __u64       sp;
21  __u64       ip;
22  __u64       flags;
23  __u16       cs;
24  __u16       gs;
25  __u16       fs;
26  __u16       ss;
27  __u64       err;
28  __u64       trapno;
29  __u64       oldmask;
30  __u64       cr2;
32  /*
33   * fpstate is really (struct _fpstate *) or (struct _xstate *)
34   * depending on the FP_XSTATE_MAGIC1 encoded in the SW reserved
35   * bytes of (struct _fpstate) and FP_XSTATE_MAGIC2 present at the end
36   * of extended memory layout. See comments at the definition of
37   * (struct _fpx_sw_bytes)
38   */
39  __u64       fpstate; /* Zero when no FPU/extended context */
40  __u64       reserved1[8];

This structure is pushed on the stack whenever a signal is raised by the Operating System, and this same structure is then used by sigreturn syscall to restore the values through this structure.

gdb case9

You know what this means? this VM doesnt even uses virtual registers. IT USES ACTUAL x86_64 register BRUH MOMENT

The Disassembler

Okay, Now that we understand everything (almost), lets get the disassmbler working. The following disassembler is just to disassemble the instructions which the VM was using. I didn’t implemented the ones which were not used.

After looking at the instructions which the VM was using, i found out that there were total 50 instructions implemented while only 44 were used.

Also there were some imm64 values which were used as an operand for jmp and call instructions for example malloc() and free() are one of them. these addresses were placed in the bytecode so i just dumped the bytecode using gdb.

  1from struct import unpack
  3MALLOC = 0x7ffff7b1c260
  4FREE   = 0x7ffff7b1c850
  6op_addrs = [
  7    0x1a1f,
  8    0x1a20,
  9    0x1a39,
 10    0x1a52,
 11    0x1a6c,
 12    0x1a87,
 13    0x1aa2,
 14    0x1abe,
 15    0x1ae6,
 16    0x1ada,
 17    0x1afa,
 18    0x1b12,
 19    0x1b2b,
 20    0x1b43,
 21    0x1b5c,
 22    0x1b73,
 23    0x1b8b,
 24    0x1ba3,
 25    0x1bba,
 26    0x1bd2,
 27    0x1be9,
 28    0x1c01,
 29    0x1c1a,
 30    0x1c2e,
 31    0x1c43,
 32    0x1c54,
 33    0x1c6d,
 34    0x1c86,
 35    0x1c9f,
 36    0x1cb3,
 37    0x1cd2,
 38    0x1cf1,
 39    0x1d10,
 40    0x1d2f,
 41    0x1d4e,
 42    0x1d6d,
 43    0x1d87,
 44    0x1da1,
 45    0x1db9,
 46    0x1dcf,
 47    0x1de5,
 48    0x1e07,
 49    0x1e9c,
 50    0x1ebe,
 51    0x1e1e,
 52    0x1e32,
 53    0x1e49,
 54    0x1e60,
 55    0x1e74,
 56    0x1e88
 59registers = {
 60    0 : "r8",
 61    1 : "r9",
 62    2 : "r10",
 63    3 : "r11",
 64    4 : "r12",
 65    5 : "r13",
 66    6 : "r14",
 67    7 : "r15",
 68    8 : "rdi",
 69    9 : "rsi",
 70    10 : "rbp",
 71    11 : "rbx",
 72    12 : "rdx",
 73    13 : "rax",
 74    14 : "rcx",
 75    15 : "sp",
 76    16 : "pc"  
 80bytecode = open("bytecode", "rb").read()#[0x1190:0x1946]
 82for i in range(0, len(bytecode), 0xE):
 83    instruction = bytecode[i+2:i+0xe]
 84    opcode = ord(instruction[8])
 85    arg1   = ord(instruction[9])
 86    arg2   = ord(instruction[10])
 87    arg3   = ord(instruction[11])
 89    imm    = unpack("Q", instruction[0: 8])[0]
 90    #tmp = "".join([("\\x%.2X" % ord(x)) for x in instruction])
 91    dis = "%.4i: [%.2i][ %.4x ][ %.4x ] " % (i, opcode, op_addrs[opcode], 0x1190 + i)
 92    #dis = "%.4x: [%.4x] %s\t" % (i, 0x1190 + i, tmp)
 94    if   opcode == 9:
 95        if imm & 0x555555550000:
 96            imm = imm - 0x555555554000
 97        if registers[arg1] == "pc":
 98            dis +=  "jmp 0x%.4x" % (imm)
 99        else:
100            dis +=  "%s = 0x%.4x" % (registers[arg1], imm)
101    elif opcode == 36:
102        dis +=  "if %s != 0x%.4x: %s = 1; else: %s = 0;" % (registers[arg2], imm, registers[arg1], registers[arg1])
103    elif opcode == 37:
104        dis +=  "if %s == 0: %s = 1;" % (registers[arg2], registers[arg1])
105    elif opcode == 1:
106        dis +=  "%s = %s + %s" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], registers[arg3])
107    elif opcode == 2:
108        dis +=  "%s = %s - %s" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], registers[arg3])
109    elif opcode == 3:
110        dis +=  "%s = %s * %s" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], registers[arg3])
111    elif opcode == 4 or opcode == 5:
112        dis +=  "%s = %s / %s" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], registers[arg3])
113    elif opcode == 6:
114        dis +=  "%s = %s >> %s" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], registers[arg3])
115    elif opcode == 7:
116        dis +=  "%s = %s << %s" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], registers[arg3])
117    elif opcode == 8:
118        dis +=  "%s = ~%s" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2])
119    elif opcode == 10 or opcode == 11:
120        dis +=  "(WORD)  %s = BYTE  [%s + 0x%.4x]" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], imm)
121    elif opcode == 11:
122        dis +=  "(QWORD) %s = BYTE  [%s + 0x%.4x]" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], imm)
123    elif opcode == 12:
124        dis +=  "(DWORD) %s = WORD  [%s + 0x%.4x]" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], imm)
125    elif opcode == 13:
126        dis +=  "(QWORD) %s = WORD  [%s + 0x%.4x]" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], imm)
127    elif opcode == 14:
128        dis +=  "(DWORD) %s = QWORD [%s + 0x%.4x]" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], imm)
129    elif opcode == 15:
130        dis +=  "(QWORD) %s = DWORD [%s + 0x%.4x]" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], imm)
131    elif opcode == 16:
132        if imm & 0xffffffffffffff00:
133            imm = 0x10000000000000000 - imm
134            dis +=  "(QWORD) %s = DWORD [%s - 0x%.4x]" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], imm)
135        else:
136            dis +=  "(QWORD) %s = DWORD [%s + 0x%.4x]" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], imm)
137    elif opcode == 17:
138        dis +=  "[%s + 0x%.4x] = %s & 0xff" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], imm)
139    elif opcode == 18:
140        dis +=  "[%s + 0x%.4x] = %s & 0xffff" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], imm)
141    elif opcode == 19:
142        dis +=  "[%s + 0x%.4x] = %s & 0xffffffff" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], imm)
143    elif opcode == 20:
144        if imm & 0xffffffffffffff00:
145            imm = 0x10000000000000000 - imm
146            dis +=  "[%s - 0x%.4x] = %s" % (registers[arg2], imm, registers[arg3])
147        else:
148            dis +=  "[%s + 0x%.4x] = %s" % (registers[arg2], imm, registers[arg3])
149    elif opcode == 21:
150        dis +=  "push %s" % (registers[arg2])
151    elif opcode == 22:
152        dis +=  "push 0x%.4x" % (imm)
153    elif opcode == 23:
154        dis +=  "pop %s" % (registers[arg1])
155    elif opcode == 24:
156        dis +=  "%s = %s" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2])
157    elif opcode == 25:
158        dis +=  "%s = %s | %s" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], registers[arg3])
159    elif opcode == 26:
160        dis += "%s = %s & %s" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], registers[arg3])
161    elif opcode == 27:
162        dis += "%s = %s ^ %s" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], registers[arg3])
163    elif opcode == 28:
164        dis += "%s = ! %s" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2])
165    elif opcode == 29:
166        pass
167    elif opcode == 33:
168        dis += "if %s ==  %s: %s = 1" % (registers[arg3], registers[arg2], registers[arg1])
169    elif opcode == 38:
170        if imm & 0x555555550000:
171            imm = imm - 0x555555554000
172        dis += "if %s == 0; jmp 0x%.4x" % (registers[arg2], imm)
173    elif opcode == 39:
174        if imm & 0x555555550000:
175            imm = imm - 0x555555554000
176        dis += "if %s != 0; jmp 0x%.4x" % (registers[arg2], imm)
177    elif opcode == 40:
178        if imm == FREE: # free
179            dis += "call %s" % ("free")
180        elif imm == MALLOC: # malloc
181            dis += "call %s" % ("malloc")
182        else:
183            if imm & 0x555555550000:
184                imm = imm - 0x555555554000
185            dis += "call 0x%.4x" % (imm)
186    elif opcode == 41:
187        dis += "return"
188    elif opcode == 42:
189        dis +=  "if %s != 0; return" % (registers[arg2])
190    elif opcode == 43:
191        dis += "if %s == 0; return" % (registers[arg2])
192    elif opcode == 44:
193        if imm & 0xffffffffffffff00:
194            imm = 0x10000000000000000 - imm
195            dis +=  "%s = %s - 0x%.4x" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], imm)
196        else:
197            dis +=  "%s = %s + 0x%.4x" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], imm)
198    elif opcode == 45:
199        dis += "%s = %s >> 0x%.4x" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], (imm & 0xff))
200    elif opcode == 46:
201        dis += "%s = %s << 0x%.4x" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], (imm & 0xff))
202    elif opcode == 47:
203        dis += "%s = %s | 0x%.4x" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], imm)
204    elif opcode == 48:
205        dis += "%s = %s & 0x%.4x" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], imm)
206    elif opcode == 49:
207        dis += "%s = %s ^ 0x%.4x" % (registers[arg1], registers[arg2], imm)
208    else:
209        dis +=  "%s" % ("UNKNOWN")
211    print dis

After running this you will get this disassembly

0000: [09][ 1ada ][ 1190 ] rax = 0x0002                                
0014: [36][ 1d87 ][ 119e ] if rdi != 0x0002: r8 = 1; else: r8 = 0;     
0028: [42][ 1e9c ][ 11ac ] if r8 != 0; return                          
0042: [44][ 1e1e ][ 11ba ] rsi = rsi + 0x0008                          
0056: [16][ 1b8b ][ 11c8 ] (QWORD) rdi = DWORD [rsi + 0x0000]          
0070: [09][ 1ada ][ 11d6 ] jmp 0x11e4                                  
0084: [21][ 1c01 ][ 11e4 ] push rbp                                    
0098: [24][ 1c43 ][ 11f2 ] rbp = sp                                    
0112: [44][ 1e1e ][ 1200 ] sp = sp - 0x0010                            
0126: [20][ 1be9 ][ 120e ] [rbp - 0x0010] = rdi                        
0140: [40][ 1de5 ][ 121c ] call 0x17da                                 
0154: [36][ 1d87 ][ 122a ] if rax != 0x0024: rax = 1; else: rax = 0;   
0168: [39][ 1dcf ][ 1238 ] if rax != 0; jmp 0x13ce                     
0182: [09][ 1ada ][ 1246 ] rdi = 0x20cd                                
0196: [40][ 1de5 ][ 1254 ] call 0x17da                                 
0210: [20][ 1be9 ][ 1262 ] [rbp - 0x0008] = rax                        
0224: [16][ 1b8b ][ 1270 ] (QWORD) rdi = DWORD [rbp - 0x0010]          
0238: [09][ 1ada ][ 127e ] rsi = 0x20cd                                
0252: [24][ 1c43 ][ 128c ] rdx = rax                                   
0266: [40][ 1de5 ][ 129a ] call 0x182e                                 
0280: [39][ 1dcf ][ 12a8 ] if rax != 0; jmp 0x13ce                     
0294: [16][ 1b8b ][ 12b6 ] (QWORD) rdi = DWORD [rbp - 0x0010]          
0308: [10][ 1afa ][ 12c4 ] (WORD)  rsi = BYTE  [rdi + 0x0023]          
0322: [36][ 1d87 ][ 12d2 ] if rsi != 0x007d: rsi = 1; else: rsi = 0;   
0336: [39][ 1dcf ][ 12e0 ] if rsi != 0; jmp 0x13ce                     
0350: [16][ 1b8b ][ 12ee ] (QWORD) rsi = DWORD [rbp - 0x0008]          
0364: [01][ 1a20 ][ 12fc ] rdi = rdi + rsi                             
0378: [08][ 1ae6 ][ 130a ] rsi = ~rsi                                  
0392: [44][ 1e1e ][ 1318 ] rsi = rsi + 0x0023                          
0406: [21][ 1c01 ][ 1326 ] push rsi                                    
0420: [40][ 1de5 ][ 1334 ] call 0x1406                                 
0434: [23][ 1c2e ][ 1342 ] pop rsi                                     
0448: [38][ 1db9 ][ 1350 ] if rax == 0; jmp 0x13ce                     
0462: [24][ 1c43 ][ 135e ] rdi = rax                                   
0476: [21][ 1c01 ][ 136c ] push rdi                                    
0490: [40][ 1de5 ][ 137a ] call 0x15fe                                 
0504: [23][ 1c2e ][ 1388 ] pop rdi                                     
0518: [21][ 1c01 ][ 1396 ] push rax                                    
0532: [40][ 1de5 ][ 13a4 ] call free                                   
0546: [23][ 1c2e ][ 13b2 ] pop rax                                     
0560: [09][ 1ada ][ 13c0 ] jmp 0x13dc                                  
0574: [09][ 1ada ][ 13ce ] rax = 0x0001                                
0588: [24][ 1c43 ][ 13dc ] sp = rbp                                    
0602: [23][ 1c2e ][ 13ea ] pop rbp                                     
0616: [41][ 1e07 ][ 13f8 ] return                                      
0630: [09][ 1ada ][ 1406 ] rax = 0x0000                                
0644: [43][ 1ebe ][ 1414 ] if rsi == 0; return                         
0658: [21][ 1c01 ][ 1422 ] push rdi                                    
0672: [21][ 1c01 ][ 1430 ] push rsi                                    
0686: [46][ 1e49 ][ 143e ] rdi = rsi << 0x0003                         
0700: [40][ 1de5 ][ 144c ] call malloc                                 
0714: [23][ 1c2e ][ 145a ] pop rsi                                     
0728: [23][ 1c2e ][ 1468 ] pop rdi                                     
0742: [43][ 1ebe ][ 1476 ] if rax == 0; return                         
0756: [24][ 1c43 ][ 1484 ] r8 = rax                                    
0770: [24][ 1c43 ][ 1492 ] r9 = rax                                    
0784: [21][ 1c01 ][ 14a0 ] push r9                                     
0798: [21][ 1c01 ][ 14ae ] push r8                                     
0812: [21][ 1c01 ][ 14bc ] push rdi                                    
0826: [21][ 1c01 ][ 14ca ] push rsi                                    
0840: [10][ 1afa ][ 14d8 ] (WORD)  rsi = BYTE  [rdi + 0x0000]          
0854: [09][ 1ada ][ 14e6 ] rdi = 0x20a0                                
0868: [40][ 1de5 ][ 14f4 ] call 0x18c8                                 
0882: [23][ 1c2e ][ 1502 ] pop rsi                                     
0896: [23][ 1c2e ][ 1510 ] pop rdi                                     
0910: [23][ 1c2e ][ 151e ] pop r8                                      
0924: [23][ 1c2e ][ 152c ] pop r9                                      
0938: [38][ 1db9 ][ 153a ] if rax == 0; jmp 0x15c6                     
0952: [09][ 1ada ][ 1548 ] r10 = 0x20a0                                
0966: [02][ 1a39 ][ 1556 ] rax = rax - r10                             
0980: [20][ 1be9 ][ 1564 ] [r9 + 0x0000] = rax                         
0994: [44][ 1e1e ][ 1572 ] r9 = r9 + 0x0008                            
1008: [44][ 1e1e ][ 1580 ] rdi = rdi + 0x0001                          
1022: [44][ 1e1e ][ 158e ] rsi = rsi - 0x0001                          
1036: [39][ 1dcf ][ 159c ] if rsi != 0; jmp 0x14a0                     
1050: [24][ 1c43 ][ 15aa ] rax = r8                                    
1064: [41][ 1e07 ][ 15b8 ] return                                      
1078: [24][ 1c43 ][ 15c6 ] rdi = r8                                    
1092: [40][ 1de5 ][ 15d4 ] call free                                   
1106: [09][ 1ada ][ 15e2 ] rax = 0x0000                                
1120: [41][ 1e07 ][ 15f0 ] return                                      
1134: [09][ 1ada ][ 15fe ] rax = 0x0001                                
1148: [43][ 1ebe ][ 160c ] if rsi == 0; return                         
1162: [16][ 1b8b ][ 161a ] (QWORD) r8 = DWORD [rdi + 0x0000]           
1176: [36][ 1d87 ][ 1628 ] if r8 != 0x0016: r8 = 1; else: r8 = 0;      
1190: [42][ 1e9c ][ 1636 ] if r8 != 0; return                          
1204: [21][ 1c01 ][ 1644 ] push rdi                                    
1218: [21][ 1c01 ][ 1652 ] push rsi                                    
1232: [40][ 1de5 ][ 1660 ] call 0x1724                                 
1246: [23][ 1c2e ][ 166e ] pop rsi                                     
1260: [23][ 1c2e ][ 167c ] pop rdi                                     
1274: [44][ 1e1e ][ 168a ] rsi = rsi - 0x0001                          
1288: [21][ 1c01 ][ 1698 ] push rdi                                    
1302: [46][ 1e49 ][ 16a6 ] rdx = rsi << 0x0003                         
1316: [09][ 1ada ][ 16b4 ] rsi = 0x1fa0                                
1330: [40][ 1de5 ][ 16c2 ] call 0x182e                                 
1344: [23][ 1c2e ][ 16d0 ] pop rdi                                     
1358: [24][ 1c43 ][ 16de ] r8 = rax                                    
1372: [09][ 1ada ][ 16ec ] rax = 0x0001                                
1386: [42][ 1e9c ][ 16fa ] if r8 != 0; return                          
1400: [09][ 1ada ][ 1708 ] rax = 0x0000                                
1414: [41][ 1e07 ][ 1716 ] return                                      
1428: [43][ 1ebe ][ 1724 ] if rsi == 0; return                         
1442: [44][ 1e1e ][ 1732 ] rsi = rsi - 0x0001                          
1456: [43][ 1ebe ][ 1740 ] if rsi == 0; return                         
1470: [16][ 1b8b ][ 174e ] (QWORD) r8 = DWORD [rdi + 0x0000]           
1484: [16][ 1b8b ][ 175c ] (QWORD) r9 = DWORD [rdi + 0x0008]           
1498: [02][ 1a39 ][ 176a ] r8 = r9 - r8                                
1512: [27][ 1c86 ][ 1778 ] r8 = r8 ^ rsi                               
1526: [03][ 1a52 ][ 1786 ] r9 = r8 * r8                                
1540: [03][ 1a52 ][ 1794 ] r8 = r9 * r8                                
1554: [20][ 1be9 ][ 17a2 ] [rdi + 0x0000] = r8                         
1568: [44][ 1e1e ][ 17b0 ] rdi = rdi + 0x0008                          
1582: [44][ 1e1e ][ 17be ] rsi = rsi - 0x0001                          
1596: [09][ 1ada ][ 17cc ] jmp 0x1740                                  
1610: [09][ 1ada ][ 17da ] rax = 0x0000                                
1624: [10][ 1afa ][ 17e8 ] (WORD)  r10 = BYTE  [rdi + 0x0000]          
1638: [43][ 1ebe ][ 17f6 ] if r10 == 0; return                         
1652: [44][ 1e1e ][ 1804 ] rdi = rdi + 0x0001                          
1666: [44][ 1e1e ][ 1812 ] rax = rax + 0x0001                          
1680: [09][ 1ada ][ 1820 ] jmp 0x17e8                                  
1694: [09][ 1ada ][ 182e ] rax = 0x0000                                
1708: [43][ 1ebe ][ 183c ] if rdx == 0; return                         
1722: [10][ 1afa ][ 184a ] (WORD)  r8 = BYTE  [rdi + 0x0000]           
1736: [10][ 1afa ][ 1858 ] (WORD)  r9 = BYTE  [rsi + 0x0000]           
1750: [27][ 1c86 ][ 1866 ] r8 = r8 ^ r9                                
1764: [25][ 1c54 ][ 1874 ] rax = rax | r8                              
1778: [44][ 1e1e ][ 1882 ] rdx = rdx - 0x0001                          
1792: [44][ 1e1e ][ 1890 ] rdi = rdi + 0x0001                          
1806: [44][ 1e1e ][ 189e ] rsi = rsi + 0x0001                          
1820: [39][ 1dcf ][ 18ac ] if rdx != 0; jmp 0x184a                     
1834: [41][ 1e07 ][ 18ba ] return                                      
1848: [24][ 1c43 ][ 18c8 ] rax = rdi                                   
1862: [10][ 1afa ][ 18d6 ] (WORD)  r8 = BYTE  [rax + 0x0000]           
1876: [38][ 1db9 ][ 18e4 ] if r8 == 0; jmp 0x192a                      
1890: [33][ 1d2f ][ 18f2 ] if rsi ==  r8: r8 = 1                       
1904: [42][ 1e9c ][ 1900 ] if r8 != 0; return                          
1918: [44][ 1e1e ][ 190e ] rax = rax + 0x0001                          
1932: [09][ 1ada ][ 191c ] jmp 0x18d6                                  
1946: [09][ 1ada ][ 192a ] rax = 0x0000                                
1960: [41][ 1e07 ][ 1938 ] return

Flag Checking

After analyzing the whole disassembly i managed to understand how its all working.

At the entry point of our bytecode, argv and argc are in rsi and rdi respectively.

The Flag Checking is done like this:

  1. if argc != 2; return
  2. if argv[1][:5] != “FLAG{"; return
  3. if argv[1][::-1] != “}"; return
  4. if argv[1][5] != “x”; return
  5. if len(argv[1][5:-1]) != 0x1e; return

Now this is where it gets interesting. it calls malloc() to create an array of size 0x1e and then it loops through our input. For each character in our input it calculates the index of the character in a global string at 0x20A0 – abdfgehikmanoqrstucvwlxyz-01h23p456u78j9-_.+ and then stores that index into the malloc’d array.

As of Now our flag should look like this FLAG{xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb}

Now it performs this operation on our index array:

1for i in range(0x1d):
2  r8 = input[i+0]
3  r9 = input[i+1]
4  r8 = r9 - r8
5  r8 = r8 ^ (0x1d - i)
6  r8 = r8 * r8 * r8
7  input[i] = r8

And after this the binary was checking the modified input index array with another array at 0x1FA0. Without wasting time i put together a quick z3 script to print the flag and it worked in like first try. This challenge is my favourite until i solve another amazing crackme. Thanks ttlhacker for this amazing challange here is the script in action.

 1from z3 import *
 3chrset = "abdfgehikmanoqrstucvwlxyz-01h23p456u78j9-_.+"
 4inpt = "FLAG{xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb}"
 6enc = [
 7    0x16C8,
10    0x3600,
11    0x0FFFFFFFFFFFFE535,
12    0x16C8,
14    0x5F45,
15    0x0FFFFFFFFFFFFD668,
17    0x5F45,
20    0x0AB8,
22    0x4CE3,
23    0x0FFFFFFFFFFFF8000,
24    0x2D9,
25    0x4CE3,
27    0x2D9,
28    0x3E8,
29    0x7D,
30    0x0FFFFFFFFFFFFE938,
31    0x200,
32    0x200,
33    0x0FFFFFFFFFFFFE535,
34    0x1F40,
38flag = [BitVec("flag_%i" % i, 64) for i in range(0x1e)]
41s = Solver()
42s.add(flag[0] == 0x16)
44enc_f = []
46i = 0
47while i != 0x1d:
48    a = flag[i]
49    b = flag[i+1]
50    a = b - a
51    a = a ^ (0x1d - i)
52    b = a * a
53    a = b * a
54    enc_f.append(a)
55    i += 1
57#print len(enc_f), len(enc)
58for i in range(0x1d):
59    s.add(enc_f[i] == enc[i])
61for i in range(1, 0x1e, 1):
62    s.add(flag[i] < len(chrset))
63    s.add(flag[i] >= 0)
65if s.check() != "unsat":
66    m = s.model()
68    solved = "FLAG{"
69    for i in range(0x1e):
70        obj = flag[i]
71        solved += chrset[m[obj].as_long()]
73    print solved + "}"
75    print "unsat"

The solving script in action:
